Saturday 22 December 2012

I have been going through some of the posts in my facebook page, and I gotta give it to Kenyans, they sure can make your day!
My day, which by the way, did not begin on a jubilant note, has been grossly transformed by my dear friends....and foes!
Football, on the other hand, never disappoints.
There must be something really wrong with the marriage institution or anything even remotely resembling it. I mean, just a look at how people (read politicians), jump in and out of 'marital beds' in record times and you know Kenya is in deep trouble. Some people are of the opinion that the good old Musalia Mudavadi was duped, but surely, Mudavadi is over 18, the legal age at which he can give own consent before entering into a binding relationship! Politics, as we know it, is a very dynamic field. It makes a joke of the medical field commonly referred to as a dynamic field. This, however, only applies to Kenyan politics!

While divorce papers are being drawn in some quarters, others are in serious courtship. Is it possible that Eugine Wamalwa could be the link between Jubilee and 'Tunawesmake' coalitions? How else can his 'loose' moves be explained? Dining with Peter Kenneth/Raphael Tuju, while announcing , or is it holding own to the G-7 alliance. Every Kenyan knows that G-7 and Jubilee are synonymous. On a light note, I think Eugine, PK, and Tuju would an interesting to watch threesome!!

On to real issues, Kenyans are at it again, slaughtering each other like chicken, and yes, it's the chicken season and woe unto the avian species! Several months down the line, more than 300 Kenyans mercilessly murdered, and all our leaders are worried about are how they are going to share power. Makes one wonder exactly whether Kenya has a president, or even remotely sane leaders, and the same leaders wonder what is up with voter apathy!

As we prepare to cross in to the new year, may the Almighty God save us from striking doctors, lecturers, nurses, and teachers. 

Whatever happened to Kingwa Kamencu? Let me find out and you will be the first to know.

Monday 1 October 2012

Hello Kenyans,I don't care what some people think,especially if that thinking stems from a cowardice too deep to say no to its oppressor. If a Kenyan capable of being on a social media like facebook can not wake up and realize that its government is hellbent on killing him/her, then that is worse than sad. That is outright pathetic. We all remember those fellows in high school who never wanted to speak up against whatever they disagreed with, those who always were the principle's favorite because they told on their friends who agitated for change. Well, they are adults now, married with kids, and guess what?They are still pathetic cowards. Only now they are middle class citizens who are contented with mediocrity. They are the ones loud about how doctors should not strike, about how it's a calling,blah blah blah, if it's a calling why the hell didn't you burn the freaking midnight oil, score the A and be the doctor? Well, you could say you are better off than a doctor, and you could be right, but that is only possible because THE DOCTOR has been silently and without complaining saving lives of poor Kenyan women who can't afford Nairobi hospital. There are freaking rich doctors too!!! A Kenyan too dense to push the KENYAN GOVERNMENT to provide better healthcare has no business telling us that doctors are being selfish. Go down to your district hospital, if you like what you see then doctors are indeed selfish, if you think water should replace blood in the human body, then docs are selfish, if you think that a woman should die while giving birth, then a doc is selfish. If you think this government doesn't give a hoot about your health, then it's time to rise up and make your voice be heard. LET THE FIGHT FOR BETTER HEALTHCARE IN KENYA BE EVERYONE'S FIGHT, NOT JUST THE DOCTORS' FIGHT. THANK YOU.

Friday 21 September 2012

We Say it as It is

It is time we, Kenyans, rose up to fight this oppressive regime. The new constitution gave voice to 'mwananchi' and we owe it to ourselves to exercise that authority . It is time we, Kenyans, became vocal on how we want to be governed. The era of political success based on how loud, abusive and disrespectful the politicians are to one another is long gone. We want leaders who are going to present their 5-year plans to us, leaders who are willing to be held accountable by us, the electorate. A leader who will not divide us along tribal , ethnic, gender, or socioeconomic lines. A leader who will acknowledge that every Kenyan is capable of contributing to the nation's kitty. We, Kenyans, have decided that we are dropping the cheap 'what is in it for me' mentality. Our votes are not worth Ksh. 1000 or any amount of money for that matter. Our vote is our democratic right and is something we are not going to sell to any politician. I, hereby, welcome Kenyans to voice their opinions and rise to counter the biggest monster that has always subdued us. It is not corruption. It is our SILENCE. Our silence when we are trampled on by politicians. Our silence when we allow ourselves to be used as weapons of destruction when we agree to kill our neighbors. Our silence when we see our bosses harassing us at work and fail to act. Our silence when we refuse to get out of an over speeding vehicle after the driver squeezes Ksh. 100 into the palms of the traffic police. We have to fight our own fear of speaking out before we can think of liberating ourselves. KENYANS LET'S ARISE AND LIBERATE OURSELVES. Ondeng' Hellen.