Friday 21 September 2012

We Say it as It is

It is time we, Kenyans, rose up to fight this oppressive regime. The new constitution gave voice to 'mwananchi' and we owe it to ourselves to exercise that authority . It is time we, Kenyans, became vocal on how we want to be governed. The era of political success based on how loud, abusive and disrespectful the politicians are to one another is long gone. We want leaders who are going to present their 5-year plans to us, leaders who are willing to be held accountable by us, the electorate. A leader who will not divide us along tribal , ethnic, gender, or socioeconomic lines. A leader who will acknowledge that every Kenyan is capable of contributing to the nation's kitty. We, Kenyans, have decided that we are dropping the cheap 'what is in it for me' mentality. Our votes are not worth Ksh. 1000 or any amount of money for that matter. Our vote is our democratic right and is something we are not going to sell to any politician. I, hereby, welcome Kenyans to voice their opinions and rise to counter the biggest monster that has always subdued us. It is not corruption. It is our SILENCE. Our silence when we are trampled on by politicians. Our silence when we allow ourselves to be used as weapons of destruction when we agree to kill our neighbors. Our silence when we see our bosses harassing us at work and fail to act. Our silence when we refuse to get out of an over speeding vehicle after the driver squeezes Ksh. 100 into the palms of the traffic police. We have to fight our own fear of speaking out before we can think of liberating ourselves. KENYANS LET'S ARISE AND LIBERATE OURSELVES. Ondeng' Hellen.

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